Sweet Soldiers

Anti-rape alarm 防狼报警器

Advantage: use a loud sound to stimulate suspicious person, it will make people who near by notice. At that time you can have 10 seconds to go.


Holiday Gift 節日禮物

凡購物滿$200,即獲精美包裝及精美禮品一份 Buy the goods over $200, will have a beautiful package and one special gift.  

Special Discount 折扣優惠

Buy pepper spray Series 3 or more, can get 15% off!  凡購買胡椒噴霧系列3件以上,可獲得8.5折!

What about us 關於我們

Nowadays, lot of girls back home alone at mid-night. It really dangerous for them because many rapist hide at dark place, so they need a guard to protect. Whatever you...